Wherein I tell myself it’s okay… it’s the first week.

Tired of being tired, sore as all get out, yet realizing a great cure for soreness is activity, today I snoozed right out of my early workout. Reset my phone alarm for 7:30, thinking I’d try to do something before work, and of course, snoozed right past that, too.
My head is so much clearer today. I was still sort of yawning and groggy at first, but that didn’t last more than any other typical “just got up” grogginess. Did finally get around to doing a half-hour on the treadmill over lunch, and it did help the continued leg soreness. Clearly I needed to catch up on sleep, so I’m not going to fault myself this morning’s weakness. I honestly haven’t even really dwelled on it today, as I’ve been so productive finishing up some much needed work items.
It is week one, sure. Still doing well on eating, or so I think at least. There’s no bootcamp tomorrow morning, but that doesn’t mean I can’t attempt to get right back on it and do my own thing at the scheduled time. Maybe even over the weekend, I mean, a Friday, Saturday, Sunday seems like a great time to work on getting my sleep schedule handled.
Anywho, no use beating myself up over today. It’s just a day, put it aside and move on to tomorrow.
Jess has made a Comment
Well I’m awfully proud of you! Keeps me inspired to keep it up as well. 🙂
February 4, 2010 @ 7:19 pm
flerly has made a Comment
Thanks! You’re sweet to say so!
February 5, 2010 @ 5:21 am