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do YOU get it?

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 11:00 am by flerly.

If so… share the knowledge…

Shoeman: is it just me?
Flerly: what?
Shoeman: or does this sentence hurt you too:
Shoeman: A zone contains the domain names that the domain with the same domain name contains, except for domain names in delegated subdomains.
Flerly: wtf.. that’s like… it hurts
Shoeman: yeah
Shoeman: its a line from this book on DNS
Flerly: Sounds like bullshit somebody would write on a topic that they knew nothing about… ie. college test answers
Shoeman: i’ve read it like 15 times and it still doesn’t make sense



  1. kungfoogirl has made a Comment


    I understand DNS and the way zone files work and all that good stuff.

    And that sentence STILL makes no sense.

    At all.

    June 27, 2002 @ 4:17 am

  2. schlemaggle has made a Comment

    …and people still wonder why others find “arts and sciences” appealing.

    June 27, 2002 @ 6:04 am

  3. infinite1der has made a Comment

    time to pitch that book for Oreilly’s Grasshopper book. In fact.. I can bring it home if you like.

    June 27, 2002 @ 6:18 am

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