All in a day…

Can’t tell you how much I enjoyed getting sand in my book today — thanks Pete! Of course, it does mean I was reading on the beach, so couldn’t be a bad day after that.
Morning – beach & pool, afternoon – Kennedy Space Center tours, evening – netbook by the pool while the live band plays in the courtyard. *le sigh*
Made a little friend at the pool today — Amy, age 9, girlscout, only child, red-headed and bored out of her mind. She’s slept under the Saturn V rocket at the visitors center and met an astronaut. We’d been at the pool maybe 2 minutes when she comes over to me — “I know you guys are adults but could I please hang out with you a few minutes… I’m so bored!” We were the only other adults IN the pool at the time, but there were some folks on the other end sunbathing and such. I assumed some were her family at first, but no.
Marco Polo was considered, as were some diving competitions, underwater swimming and breath holding contests, but in the end we just played the “I’ll pretend to be a statue near the water and you be somebody posing for a picture who leans on the statue and accidentally pushes it in” game. Intrigued by her creative game idea, I played along. It’s pretty fun, actually, and we ended up with others helping “accidentally” to knock us statues in.
Not willing to get up at 6 am while on vacation though, James and I were starving so we had to depart, grabbed the gang for lunch, then headed to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center for the afternoon. Apparently us getting to see the crawler while on the bus tour was quite the rare occurence there, and it was pretty cool.
Also got to see the VIP area for astronauts friends and family to watch the launches. Later we were told that the next generation of astronauts are probably in the 7-17 year old range right now, so it’s time to get encouraging all those kids we know to get into the field so we can have VIP seats in the future. Best to plan ahead, don’t you know.
Funniest comment today: Mom, after the “Shuttle Launch Experience” — “That was like a nice massage.” Obviously said by a woman who has never had a massage in her life — which I guess is sad, but it was still funny at the time.
Tomorrow’s plan, beach beach beach – replete with umbrellas, lounge chairs, wake boards and my sand-filled book. Maybe finish the afternoon with some mini-golf.
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- Live music…hotel courtyard…awesome 12 mins ago
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