“50 ways to lick your lover…”
OH jeez, I’ve found the funniest little site…. was just reading about Chris Cornell and RATM allegedly getting back together, and I saw this link that said “If you click here, you will go to hell.”, so, being ME I clicked… and found some very politically incorrect and damn funny t-shirts…
“JESUS LOVES YOU (in that outfit)”
“WWJD (for a Klondike bar)”
“Who wants to marry a hundredaire?”
“Talk Nerdy to Me”
“I fucked the girl in Hanson”
and many others, which you can check out if you wish. Suffice it to say, it made for a giggly morning…
Rather I SHOULD say, I went to hell, and hilarity ensued.
Oh well.. despite this technically being day one of my vacation, I guess I’d better finish up this urgent work I couldn’t take off without finishing. Should have done it yesterday, but I was goofing off trying to learn how to customize my LJ. Got to have priorities.
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