So you think I can dance?!?

So, yes, it’s been almost two weeks since I’ve been to Curves for the circuit — between sinus crap, travel, and the later neck pain crap, but today I went back. I purposely skipped yesterday because I knew we would be climbing, and I’m glad we did, because *whew* that was rough all by itself.
Anyway, Curves was busy enough — few ladies on the circuit already, the attendant was helping check in a new member, so I just sort of logged in and got started without too much “oh my where have you been!” fuss. Then I make my way around to the Curves “Losers” wall… and there is my name and stats, as one of the top 10 losers for August. I also notice my stats tag has a lovely purple star on it, as do a couple of the other 10 but not all, and I wonder what that might mean.
At last, the attendant is free and says hello to me, asks where I’ve been for a bit, etc., so I ask her about the star. She smiles and tells me it means I’ve been noticed to be a “particularly good pad dancer”. Apparently the attendents are supposed to watch how people behave on the pads for the cardio portions and note the people who put forth “special” effort or just do “entertaining” or “fun” dances which can make the workout more fun for everybody there, and apparently somebody noted me. Joy?
Thus, I spent the rest of my workout with a couple of the ladies there commenting on me about my “dance moves” — which I sort of call “jogging in place” — and telling each other how they needed to try that one for themselves. *sigh*
I was happy to be a top loser, but I could really do without the pad dancer notation — thanks, no.
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