What to do when you don’t feel like doing anything

I’ve post about it before, and I don’t think this is an unusual thing — for people, for women, for dieters, for anybody — where do you find the motivation to keep going toward your goals? I’ve called it my “funk” mood, where nothing seems satisfying or worthwhile to do or even consider doing, where my brain is bogged down in “why bothers” and “whats the points” so much that I find myself useless, and just taking up space.
Strangely, I find myself often backing into this situation without realizing it. One thing leads to another, and the next thing I know I’m on the couch under a blanket, scarfing down pizza in front of the the tv and can’t remember the last time I worked out.
In these times, I sometimes try to “do battle” with my funk — which you think would be pretty easy with a treadmill desk, but as in the case of yesterday… I felt like crap, i wanted to do nothing, but I had work to do, so to power through it I made myself walk while I worked instead of just stand, with the notion of getting some blood-flow to my brain. I walked three miles–even stopping twice to take calls for work, accomplished next to nothing that I’d needed for work, and as soon as the distance hit the 3 mile mark, my body went DONE! From there it was 4:30, and I proceeded to go sit down for a few minutes, which turned into a 50 minute power nap on the couch that I sort of just realized had happened after I’d woken up rather than noticing I was sleepy. Total shut down.
My brain tells me that’s not normal, and maybe I need to start taking some vitamin supplements again. I haven’t looked twice at a food log in ages, so I’m really not sure how healthy I’m eating overall, but I sure am eating. I cannot get enough fruit lately, as I think I’m craving grapes every day — and any food craving just makes me go crazy hating myself, especially if it’s for grapes, so I get some, then I eat them all, then I want more grapes. THAT is also not normal. Getting what you crave is supposed to manage it, no? Maybe it’s dehydration, too. My digestion has been… we don’t want to go there, but I’ve been wondering about the effects of too many artificial sweeteners, it’s been so bad.
Anywho, here is where it is and what it’s like — this unmotivated funk period. Next I guess I’ll have to think on how to move through it and put it behind me.
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