Set your stopwatches to see how long this motivation lasts…

Okay, the slack has really gone on longer than necessary, and well past any original injury or illness might preclude. The clock is ticking here, and though I’m pretty good at creative excuses or just wasting time in general, I’m not going to get anywhere if I don’t ever get back on the road.
In fairness, I was hypnotized by a brief glimpse of infomercial today — ab rocker — which lingered in mind long enough for me to look up some reviews… which led to a sobering blog entry by a SoCal fitness instructor who I suspect not only fairly reviewed the device for what it is and can do, but also laid out a pretty good argument for why you don’t need one and what you should do instead. I was reading on my phone, or I’d have saved the link for now to share. Maybe I’ll look it up again sometime, but at least the message sunk in:
What are you waiting for? There is no outside force, magical pill, or miracle gadget that is going to teleport you to the end of your journey, so you might as well just get walking on your own.
At the author’s suggestion, and seconded by my own apparent slacking in the actual walking at the treadmill desk while I work, I’m going to get up a half-hour earlier and just use the treadmill intensively sans computer — inclined, better pace, and swinging arms for at least 20 minutes, and if that doesn’t end up with a good blood-pumping sweat, then longer. Every morning should be the goal.
Then I’m going to either go to do my damn circuit workout at least 4 times this week or else I’m going to cancel it — that is the decision. It is a monthly burden financially we don’t need if it’s not benefiting me.
Also, at James’ suggestion, we are either going to try to go earlier to the climbing gym on one of the nights they do a yoga class, or else we’re going to start doing a yoga video together. He wants to work on his own flexibility to improve his climbing, and it just seemed like something we could do well together. That one we’re still deciding on obviously — have to go through my videos.
Then lastly, there is the climbing gym. We’re going to probably pick up the book on technique I was browsing through Saturday in their store, and it had info on fitness training geared to climbing. Sure there are only so many routes I can do right now, but I can sure go do them once, twice, or thrice a week with James (and the gang), because every little bit is moving me closer to the goal — and that particular social activity always makes me feel good after.
And that is the plan. It’s almost 1am, but I’ve already got clothes laid out to throw on in the morning to walk in, so no excuses!
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