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Not another Panker – Wanker… SO teasing..

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, July 9, 2002 at 10:11 am by flerly.

The announcement this morning… “Christopher Panknin Walker was born at 7pm on Monday. He is 6lbs 13oz and 19″long. Rebecca and Christopher are doing well, and are both glad it is all over.”

I saw that and thought… Panknin? That makes me think of Panker the Wanker from Newschannel 12 in Chatt.. he WAS the small statured weekend news anchor with a complex (and a booster seat in his anchor chair). But then Horace corrected me… it’s Pank-nin…. not Pank-er. Panknin… now that’s unusual. I’ll have to ask Rebecca where that one came from.

It seems someone forgot to tell Churchill to get to work early because the engineers are doing one on one interviews with the team from FNIS. They haven’t told me if I’m included yet, but I can hear them from where I sit, and they are going over the skills matrix we filled out… and well, I’m one of the engineers on that list. Jeez, I hope they don’t do me… “What would you say you DO here at Innotech?”

Anyway.. I guess I should try to find something that looks like work to do. Inbox is still sitting empty after two days. I’ve already begged the scheduler and the operations manager for work, but they are just too tied up with the guests… well, not guests I suppose. What would you call a group of people visiting from Honolulu with whom you are now “teammates”? It seems like they’re inspectors… the “first strike team”… or something like that.

Oh well. I just really wanted to record the milestone that I at last turned over 50K miles on the eclipse. And to note that I really need to name my car… I’m taking suggestions for names.


1 Comment

  1. aoide has made a Comment

    I think the panknin is a family name from Rebecca’s husband.

    July 9, 2002 @ 3:11 am

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