The lastest bestest notion

It has been a relatively active week for us, even though I did not make it up every day for the proposed bonus cardio. Another load of mulch dumped on us Monday, and in addition to the Curves circuit and climbing Monday night, JamesT and I spent a couple days with shovels and a cart dealing with that, for a seriously sweaty workout.
On a lead from an article I was reading Wednesday, I have checked out the notorious “Abs Diet”, where I have now purchased the Abs Diet for Women Kindle book, and spent a audible credit on the regular Abs Diet book. I’m about half-way through the Kindle book, and I have to say this stuff is making a lot of sense to me.
I certainly believe that there’s no thing as spot-weight-loss, but I also have first hand knowledge of how you can lose weight in one area and put it back on in another so quickly…. which is why it occurred to me that better attention to the foods I eat seems to be in order if I really want to make things work. The Curves circuit backed by weight training is really draining my muscles, so I knew there must be something I should be eating to help rebuild those muscles. And isn’t someone who usually gets at least 8 hours sleep and has been doing more exercise supposed to be feeling like they have more energy? I just had to put this feeling back on not eating properly.
Thus, I’m deciding to take the advice of the Abs Diet — not because it’s a list of foods you should restrict yourself to, but because it’s a simply list of foods you should be eating more of everyday. Adding these things to my diet doesn’t seem hard, and neither does remembering to eat breakfast nor adding in a couple small healthy snacks before usual mealtimes. They don’t even suggest you think about adding in their exercise routine suggestions until you have the food plan and schedule under control, which they estimate should take a couple weeks.
Anywho, I’ve read fully through the food portion of the book and made myself a shopping list for today. There are a ton of recipes in the book, which are going to be difficult to share here, but I’m mainly going to focus on the smoothie recipe ingredients, plus just keeping more of the 12 powerfoods in the house for regular meals. It seems as though this plan should be easy to follow whether we’re eating out or in, so long as I keep conscious of my portion sizes.
All that said, here’s a screen-capture from the Kindle book of the basic shopping list to follow the plan:
This is, of course, the “boiled down” version, made to go with their acronym, but essentially the “powerfoods” are going to be more lean not cured meats (so chicken not bacon, etc), dark green veggies, beans (fat free, not sugary like baked beans), low-fat & fat-free dairy (drink more skim milk, yogurt for smoothies, low-fat cheese’s for snacks, even low-fat ice-cream for some smoothies), fresh & frozen berries for smoothies and adding to unsweetened oatmeal, and some good whole wheat breads/crackers/pasta and a heap of brown rice!
I’m also getting a bag of frozen chopped peppers and onions for throwing in scrambled eggs, some low-sugar spaghetti sauce, and mixed greens for salads (iceberg lettuce is apparent almost nutritionally a null… romaine is a better choice, but mixed greens even better), not to mention a pile of spinach just to use for everything.
Moreoever, the goal will be to zap my diet soda intake down to at most a glass a day, to be replaced by water, green tea and skim milk. Also, at most coffee once a day, but that will be an easy one.
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