look. all I know is that this cord here was plugged into my house and your house was glowin like the FREAKIN sun. so I put two and two together there, hehe, ..and decided that you’re pissing me off.
Heist: What a load of convoluted shit. Ocean’s Eleven was.. okay. Entertaining, I guess. Shallow Hal I enjoyed…
Time to reject this batch of movies back to netflix. Got Gosford Park on the way, hope it’s half as good as I heard. Decided to move Donnie Darko up to the top of the rental queue, since the buzz on it is good here on LJ.
Oh well.. I think there’s a hot bubble bath calling.
signde has made a Comment
ocean’s eleven = pretty slick
shallow hal = fucking hilarious. “Is she behind the rhino?” rofl
donnie darko = &&@#%$#%#$*%#$% OMG that movie is fucking awesome
pass the cheese please.
July 15, 2002 @ 10:53 pm