Tuesday — Two a day!

2/8/11 Total calories: 1986
Fat(g) | Fiber(g) | Net C(g) | Prot(g) | KCals |
70.59 | 19.4 | 220.04 | 121.15 | 1986\ |
Bootcamp — warmup calistenics include burpees and mountain climbers done over and over today because people won’t count out loud. I find these ridiculously hard for beginners, but he did say “lower impact” not “easy”.
Then we did suicides, but wrong — five times to the first line, next person same, then five times to the second line, next person same… etc, until when you get to the 5th and 6th lines you’re just running distance now. Then we did alternating tricep dips and pushups using a chair to make them a bit easier. Then reverse crunches and crunches with raised legs, and ended with stretches.
This guy is all over the place as a trainer, but I’m trying to cut him some slack with this being a new kind of class for them. It’s just the beginning, and he is still really taking a lot of time with each person individually during the class, which I do like. Since it’s been a while on my shoulder injury, though it still hurts with some moves, he’s encouraging me to ease into and try most exercises to see how it feels, but he’ll come over and watch me try. Then we modify from there if we need to, or he gives me half the reps or something — which always turns out still being actually pretty hard for me.
Late Morning
Climbing gym fitness equip with Kit. Despite my note to NOT bump up to week four after last Thursday since I didn’t really make it throught, I forgot and bumped it up anyway. 4 1/2 minute run, 1 minute walk, 4 1/2 minute run are the main intervals day one of week four. After “suicides” this morning, my left hamstring was a little sore, but this additional walking/running didn’t seem to make it any worse. I couldn’t get through the 4 1/2 minutes, though, and ended up doing about 3 then a short walk, so I ended up with 4 running intervals instead of 2. Not at all success, and worse yet I felt just so out of sorts after that I didn’t want to do any more intervals on my own to music. Instead, I just bumped up the walk pace to a pretty brisk walk and left it there until I hit my usual distance.
We did not do any weights afterwards today, though, which was probably good. It was also a relief on my feet to wear the Vibram for this part of the morning. Suicides in tennis shoes was just enough running to start bothering my arch.
I was starving when I got home from working out, but only managed a sandwich before work got busy on me. I kept meaning to go back and get some carrots or something else, but didn’t manage to. At about 3 I was freezing to death, still sitting around in my dried-sweaty clothes, so I had to pause at least to shower. By the time James got home I was so hungry I was grumpy out of my mind, and I had to go grab a snack before I could even talk to him. We ate out, sushi, edamame, miso soup, and sat through a movie, so it was a pretty restful evening, though my left hammy started really hurting again while sitting at the theater.
By 9:30 I was a zombie, tired, thirsty, hungry — and it wasn’t until I logged my calories for the day that I realized how far under I was. I made up some of the gap before bed with a big glass of milk and a handful of almonds, but then I was just passed out.
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