Why not try this

It’s a new month. Previous goal was a lack-of-follow-through failure. New goal is simpler. Turning to meal replacements, inspired by BrandyM — though not ready for P90x.
Want to:
1) try to make the morning 9:30-10:30 Jazzercise classesm Monday through Friday.
2) avoid running outdoors for a bit, because my allergies just can’t handle it right now, BUT
3) Protein, fiber and vitamin balanced meal replacements should help with allergies and immunity. And end the debate of “what can I eat.” Not buying shakes to start, making them by recipes.
4) Weekends still up in the air. I guess, if we’re visiting someplace, say Alabama, I won’t fuss about it — just eat what “we all” eat. A weekend of regular food should be doable, but must take along vitamins and always consider the McD’s “smoothie” option when away from home.
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