The plan v10million1.0

The plan today went okay. Made two modified Abs Diet smoothie recipes, breakfast and dinner, but went with a small solid food lunch which was today a can of tuna and a handful of crackers. Modified smoothies with added whey powder, much fiber, and some greens for vitamins and minerals.
So far, I have to say I never actually felt hungry today. I had cravings — especially after catching a glimpse of something in a food commercial, but if I actually closed my eyes as soon as I realized what I was looking at, it seemed to help.
First time back at Jazzercise tonight in over a week, with all our traveling. It was really tough. If I feel like somebody kicked me in the stomach tomorrow, it’s not any food I’ve eaten’s fault. I am feeling pretty tired, though. James decided to put off climbing tonight for tomorrow, since it was just us and he had some fireworks stuff to work on for Pete. Can’t say as I complained about the break.
Must go to the grocery store tomorrow for supplies. I’m anticipating that to be a difficult chore, as I tend to mentally talk myself into “healthy choices” there, which end up being just “extra food I ate” rather than “food I ate instead of crap food.” I’m thinking smoothie supplies – yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, bananas, and maybe some more canned tuna. And if I get crazy, I’ll throw in a bag of apples for when I go insane for something to snack on. Yes, I realize I said “when.”
I will be going to Philly the last weekend of this month for Phatass’ wedding, so let’s see if I can keep up this plan for May at least. That is my short term goal — no weight goal, just a “stick to the food plan for a whole month” goal.
I have considered, however, that I may need to be flexible on our traveling weekends this month, which are 2 of the 3 before the wedding weekend. This weekend in Alabama will have to be the metric to see what is feasible to do away from home. McD’s smoothie’s come to mind. Take my own blender and whey protein? We’ll see.
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