Time keeps on slipping…

Where does the time go, while I sit on my behind stuffing my face? Oh, but we have been “busy” as summertime is upon us, but before you know it it’s been weeks since a real workout and things are hanging out all over!
To catch up, finished off May with a push of Jazzercise classes to work up the energy to deal with a last minute trip over Memorial Day for neice’s wedding in Philly. That trip went very well, but came back feeling just wasted to the point that I just about stayed in bed for all of the first couple days I was home. Feeling very week, dehydrated, and headaches almost to the point of migraines again. I’m pretty sure it was crappy nutrition and lack of sleep for the trip. We wore ourselves out working then wore ourselves out trying to have the “fun” we felt we deserved out of such a trip.
Thus June was off to a pitiful start, where I have yet to go back to Jazzercise. It’s been so ridiculously hot here that we decided to drop the dough on funpasses to the Gwinnett park system so we could use their aquatic centers. There is one near us and another one near Kit & Bob. Some combination of awkward laps and treading water has been a very pleasant and cool way to get some exercise lately instead. We’re still climbing a couple nights a week, but I really haven’t pushed it. I had intended to go back to Jazzercise this week, but my stomach has been in revolt today and I decided not to impose that on fellow jazzercisers.
I have been reading GreenSmoothieGirl.com’s book, which I’ve had for a while but hadn’t started. After a friend of a friend began a “green juice reboot” recently, I watched the “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead ” documentary and have once again become fascinated with green foods. After a bad first attempt, I pulled out my “Amazon Greens Gold Superfood powder” and tried another shake — this time just the powder and ice water, as suggested. It certainly blended better than just putting powder in my smoothie as before, but the taste is just beyond nasty. I don’t know how to describe trying to drink it other than my brain equates it with sewer water, so I didn’t get much down before I thought I was going to gag. So, barring the purchase of a good juicer ($300) or a good greens blender ($500) I’m pretty much stuck with this greens powder and figuring out how to make it palatable. Of course, a Google search for recipes using the stuff turned up nothing specific, other than apparently a bunch of people who enjoy the taste of sewer water.
I’ve bought the stuff, however, and I’m convinced of it’s nutritional value, so I’m determined to find a way to injest it. I found one suggestion to dissolve one scoop into 1 oz of water then add it to fruit juice or a yogurt and fruit smoothie which I plan to try before giving up. Must make a grocery store run to accomplish.
Lastly, I’m finding I’m either sleepy or hungry all the dang time lately. I’m hoping adding daily greens or just vitamins will help the sleepy, but as to the hungry… I found a chart to help decipher my food cravings: “Why Are You Hungry?“
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