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Drive by thoughts

Posted in caregiver on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 11:45 am by flerly.

There’s too much between then and now to go into, but to summarize we have been blessed by the wonderful carers of The Oaks at Alpharetta who have shown love and kindness to mom since October 2023. Today I am actually sending them a fruit basket as further thanks for their kindness as she enters her end of life process.

Also, Agape Hospice I must thank for their overwhelming support, often giving me what I need before I knew I wanted it. There are certainly some special people in this world that deserve every good thing in this life and the next for their capacity to care, to love, to support and their seemingly neverending strength.

Thoughts are of this lady and all the time we’ve had together these last few years since we moved her down to Atlanta with us. She’s never been one to quit, as stubborn as her sisters for sure, but the time comes for us all to lay our head and rest. Hospice feels we may be nearing the end of our journey, as mom hasn’t really been eating or drinking more than a few bites and isn’t really waking up to interact. Sis and I visited yesterday, and she opened her eyes a few times and smiled some, but mostly seems to be snoozing and dreaming. She seems comfortable and well cared for by hospice and the staff at memory care. I just wanted to share an update ask you keep us in your hearts.

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