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Some email hilarity

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, August 6, 2002 at 12:46 am by flerly.

Most of you are familiar with thespark.com’s purity test… well, I sent the link to JasonC today and here’s the hilarity that ensued:

From Jason to me:
> > You are 63% Pure!
> > (Very interesting.)
> >
> > Here’s how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
> >
> > people less pure than you (54%)
> > people like you (2%)
> > people more pure than you (44%)

Me to Jason:
> You are 36% Pure!
> (Very interesting.)
> Here’s how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
> people less pure than you (7%)
> people like you (0%)
> people more pure than you (93%)

And then the hilarity… Jason to me:
so… I’m 63% pure and your 36% pure? what’s with all of the 6’s and 3’s? and aren’t you special… 0% are like you. nananaaaaah. god, I thought I was special with 2%.

I decided to do the dating survey, and though I refrained from finishing, I broke out laughing at a couple of questions. If you were abducted and probed by aliens, would you:
* not tell your significant other
* tell your significant other
* probe your significant other, because you figure it’s like a chain letter, and it will bring them good luck.
(with a picture aside showing a man and a woman. the woman thinking, ‘should I tell him’, and the man thinking, ‘should I probe her’.)

I dunno, it just struck me funny.

Struck me as funny, too. Thus the share.


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