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“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.” — Charlie Brown

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 10:35 am by flerly.

Good times going on in engineering this morning… Overheard quote from Billy: “Kramer, I just realized… when Jason’s not here, YOU are the biggest dumbass here!”

Sushi went well, despite squeezing 11 people into a tiny table for 10. Mixed group.. JT & Me, GB & CSM, Kittums, Crouching Stacy, Bruce & Jane, then George, Anne, and Stephen. Bad thing was.. total food intake for yesterday was unacceptible and on top of it, dinner lasted so late that I was too sleepy to go to the gym, so zero exercise yesterday. =\ Grumble grumble. Went home after dinner, full to the brim, and sat to watch Dragonfly, thinking I might let my food settle and go after, but.. didn’t work out.

Dragonfly was okay for somebody who can’t stand Kevin Costner. It was crazy full of tense anticipation of what weird thing was going to happen to him next, and of course it had to have the nice heartwarming ending. I guess it was pretty cool. I’d like it if I have written it as a ghost story myself, but well, something about Kevin Costner just keeps me from loving it. It’s not just about a ghost, for those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about near death experiences. But anyway.. I think all in the house have seen it that want to, so it’s going back to Netflix. Vanilla Sky and John Q are still waiting to be watched.

ugh.. you know, when I sat down here this morning I swear I had something interesting to relate and not just the minutia of my dreary life, but it escapes me now. Oh well, reason to spam more later.



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  1. kungfoogirl has made a Comment

    (Crouching Stacy Hidden Dragon)

    August 15, 2002 @ 3:40 am

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