the nightly news…

Well there was a moving trip almost entirely avoided… between stopping to rent a dolly and getting stuck in construction traffic, we missed the first stop of the uhaul, where the impatient gang loaded sans dolly and left us behind. By the time we made it downtown to the second stop, again stuff was already unloaded, up the stairs, and in the apartment. Stop three was just carrying one light little couch into Kittum’s place, which did not require assistance, then at the storage building they had nice flat carts to load things onto and wheel them to the room.. so overall it was pretty easy. There’s still some little stuff to retrieve and some cleaning to be done, then of course the sorting out of the stuff that made it to the apartment, but all in all it seemed a pretty painless move. Of course, I realize I didn’t have to deal with the renting/returning/driving all day of the Uhaul, which is a big hassle, but I still think it could have been lots worse. Lucky for us, the lovely and talented
Blah.. well, I’m sure Magaroni will post something about the event herself, so I’ll go on to report that I totally blame her for the evil evil pizza she ordered of which she forced four pieces down my throat…. uhuh.. forced. =\ All those carbs forced me into a coma for about a half hour, then I was able to crawl out of bed and TRY to motivate. Did some working out with the hand weights… watched two Trading Spaces I hadn’t seen… made a needed trip to the drug store (I love shopping late at night), where I spotted some really cute and CHEAP outdoor furniture which I may go snag tomorrow, and last but not least I managed to motivate to do three miles at the gym.
Now what… well, it’s going on 1 and I’m pretty awake, so perhaps I should keep up the momentum and put away some laundry or something, and wash the rest of it. Yeah yeah.. that sounds like a plan.
Crap.. just realized forgot to call my mom as promised.. shit shit shit. Best go prepare for the guilt trip I’m gonna get tomorrow.
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