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Blue Monday…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, August 19, 2002 at 10:01 am by flerly.

Well, just got the latest word from Alabama. Apparently they’re giving sis’s father-in-law one more chemo treatment, then they’re sending him home. Sis said he looked much worse after the gap of a Tuesday to Saturday visit. She said she and her husband were trying really hard not to take all the stress out on each other, and that she wishes they lived closer to the hospital. As is, 1 1/2 drive from their house to Birmingham.

Anyway, weekend was fairly productive. Managed to do a mile on our treadmill without anybody screaming for me to knock off the racket, then work out by myself on the home gym. Wanted to hit the gym, but it was just raining too hard to walk up there.. though I bet it would have been nice and empty.

Spent another morning frantically changing clothes looking for something to wear that I don’t hate. Can’t find the right shirt to go with my new cool black skirt… couldn’t decide what would be dressy enough for the meeting today yet comfortable enough that I’ll actually stay out the whole day in… I can feel myself getting stronger doing weights and having more endurance on the elliptical machine, but I’m really not telling any kind of difference in my clothes, which is horribly depressing. I just want things to happen too fast I think. *ugh* must read anger-inducing motivational reminder for the day and stop drinking coffee…

And get my ass in gear and catch up on all this work I neglected to do over the weekend. All I did was thoroughly review the new competitors website and products so I can discuss them today without feeling dumb. Nice that the word to do that didn’t come out until Saturday.. I guess it’s just expected that work is done over the weekends.

Oh well.. back to battling image ready to give me some consistently wide splices.



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