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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 1:31 pm by flerly.

everyday at work.. I take lunch over a range of noon to 1:30 at the latest, yet everyday JT signs on to say hello during that time, then is offline when I get back. He missed out on the first trip to Mars Music, cuz he never came online for me to tell him… which I point out to him, at which point he says “i did sign on.. you weren’t there”… yeah. At lunch. Same time, every day.


ah am uh m00d33 biznatch. gibb0r m3 ch0c0l4t3, y0

wotever.. tonight, girlz night part deux, the plan, JT if you read this so you’ll know, is to head home, get Stacy’s light, probably get Magoo, head to Kit’s for dinner and apartment fixing up ideas for Kit’s place. Probably to end with a viewing of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, provided we don’t go overboard on dinner.

I am so acutely aware that this is Wednesday… one more day and this work week is over for me… even if I don’t go to con, I’m so still taking Friday off. JT is going up to Chattavegas for Sunday-Monday, on bike, so.. solo, he wants me to go to con so I won’t feel bad for not being able to go with him, but I dunno.. if J & M are away at con all weekend, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad 4 day weekend to stay home alone. Except, well, same shit.. JT will be there asleep during the day, so no daytime music-blaring bedroom cleaning for me… then J & M will be there to sleep at night, so nighttime music-blaring bedroom cleaning for me… essentially it would be weekend spent overeating, watching tv, and not exercising which I would end up beating myself up over afterwards.

wow. decisions decisions. I could just go to sis’s… just in time to miss funeral and wow doesn’t that sound non-depressing.

ugh. Somebody make me work.


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