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“There is a man who lives a life of danger…”

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, September 8, 2002 at 10:47 am by flerly.

Well, got some snaps of the bikes at my sis’s place. Went for a pretty long ride on the back of Pete’s Goldwing yesterday, and a short ride this morning on the back of Wayne’s Valkyrie. They’re both just nuts… radios in the helmets, radios playing, arm rests… you could fall asleep back there. Joyce is considering trying to read on long trips. Other than the open air, that’s so not like riding a bike. Wayne’s is pretty sweet.. apparently it’s a 2000 Honda Valkyrie (blue valkyrie – *giggle*) with some kind of custom paint job that they only did that year. Lots of chrome on it.. and Pete & Joyce complain that Wayne’s bike is “loud”.. shyeah.. loud?!? Are they nuts? He listens to the damn radio going down the road… they don’t know what loud motorcycles are.

Anyway.. Looks like despite my best efforts to sneak off this morning, I’m stuck here for a while today. Mom’s being wishy-washy about wanting to leave and follow me home. I think she needs to stay here for at least a week. Angle’s coming up next weekend, too, though which I bet she hasn’t realized. She’s so worried she’s taking up spare beds, and doesn’t realize that’s what the spare beds are for..

Oh well. Best get off of here, go socialize a bit, and then make the .. oh.. so.. freaking.. long.. drive back toward Hotlanta. Got a couple hours of work at LEAST to do tonight before work, and I think it may be the season finale of Sex and the City. Cuss.. I still haven’t watched last times.

And then there’s silent-this-morning JT to hang out with, if he’s not a zombie. Oh well.. miss you guys!!!!


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