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welp.. that pretty much settles it

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 12:14 am by flerly.

It’s midnight, and my sweet guy has turned into a pumpkin (or gone to work or something), and I’m left to consider the events of the day. Why is Valentine’s day important? Why do we down my grumpy friend for his “if you care for somebody you show them everyday, not once a year” attitude? Well, I think maybe Valentines Day just gives people a real time to shine.. a genuine occasion, where the mood is just right to lay out your heart. It doesn’t mean you slack off the rest of the time.

Well, on this occasion, my guy did outstanding, though I think I’m glad he had to go to work. I feel so wound up right now. I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster all day, and I can barely seem to control it. If I didn’t get a good chance to just go sit and cry for a bit, I think I’d just pop. It’s a happy cry, which is a thing I think only girls can do or understand.


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