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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 2:24 pm by flerly.

So I got elected to drive to lunch…

Wait, further back… I’ve been on a Korn kick. Listening to a cd I burned of songs I enjoy, that I can head bang to, sing badly/loudly in traffic, and generally that make me feel good. Among them is their ever popular.. ADIDAS.

So I got elected to drive to lunch…

So I turn on the car and about a half-second later, Korn erupts from the speakers at a volume suitable for a lone-driver with a long morning commute to scream along with and NOT at a volume suitable for the two poor engineers who were already piled into my car…

So.. I turn it down to a suitable volume, not really tuning consciously in to the actual SONG it happens to be on…

Oh I’m gonna see somehow it always seems that
I’m dreaming of something I could never be.
Doesn’t matter to me ‘cos I will always be
that pimp I see in all of my fantasies.

I don’t know your fucking name.
So what let’s…

So it’s a fairly short ride to the Sidelines, we are chatting… and then.. we get stuck at the one red-light between work and there… and then… a perfectly timed lull in the conversation to coincide with the chorus…

All day I dream about sex, yes,
All day I dream about sex and,
All day I dream about sex, yes,
All day I dream about sex.

All day I dream about sex.
All day I dream about fucking.

So I managed to bite my tongue to not sing along, as usual, and instead to casually reach over and turn down the volume, AND seamlessly carry on the conversation as if nothing is out of the ordinary and there is no reason to be extremely awkward.

Thinking back…

Muahahahahahahahah…. that was pretty funny.


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