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Just thinking about something Stacy said yesterday…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 4:40 pm by flerly.

and thought I’d make a list of all the goofy things that make me happy… and we’ll call it:

Why I’m Not Hard To Shop For

=) Cheesy, huh? Well.. it was CHEESE inspired…

If you see it and it has ANYTHING to do with the following things… butterflies, cats, corvettes, sunflowers, spongebob, Monty Python, Powerpuff Girls, Hawaii, Psyduck, Star Wars, Dune, Buffy, the Simpsons, Star Trek…

If it’s something new that was written by Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Timothy Zahn, Orson Scott Card, or Stephen King…. or if the title contains the words “Bad Girls Guide to…”

If it lets me shop at Target, Old Navy, Avon, or The Gap… or Wet Seal =)

It it’s smelly and makes bubbles in the bathtub… ROCK. If it’s shaped like a cat, corvette, powerpuff girl.. etc etc and makes bubbles in the bathtub.. SWEEEEET!

If it’s soft, fuzzy, adorable and is shaped like any sort of teddy bear…

If it’s wearable on the fingers, wrists, ears, or neck and is mostly sterling silver…

If it would be perfect to adorn my desk or wall at work to help in “figurine wars”…

If it looks like a hippie would have worn it…. if it’s slightly too big and black on top of that…

If it’s “low carb” or contains Splenda! …

If it comes in a vase and gets delivered…

… well, then you can bet I will absolutely love it.

OH! And I forgot.. If it has handlebars, two wheels, a motor, requires a helmet, and goes VROOM! VROOM! =)


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