“the squat and gobble”

Supposedly there is a turkey in the oven, there is a parade on tv… It must be turkey day.
“santa knows who’s been naughty or nice” giggles one parade announcer.
“can I plead the fifth to santa?” giggles another.
“hee hee. You’d better skip the milk and cookies and leave Santa a nice bundt cake and a double expresso.” replies the first.
I think I heard that same exchange last year… But oh well. Can’t seem to get mom on the phone today. Hope that means she is out having some fun.
Well, I just wanted to wish all those far away happy turkey day. Can’t wait to write up the full adventures of the Florida prisoners experiences in the village. The escape is planned for the morning, so if those big glowy ball thingies don’t catch us, we should be home tomorrow evening.
Be seeing you.
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