Deja Vu
[14:09] Him: I’m drinking green tea with chrysanthemum leaves. I love the word ‘chrysanthemum’, it is such a sexually deep word.
[14:10] Me: my green tea has passionfruit and jasmine.. so nah… those are good words too
[14:11] Him: but chrysanthemum, is so a sexually charged. it is sexy to whisper, it is sexy to hear it whispered. chrysanthemum
[14:11] Me: i’m experiencing deja vu
[14:11] Him: oh, and it tastes good to
[14:12] Him: i love deja vu. it never does anything for me, but it lends itself to belief
[14:13] Me: well.. last night i was having a conversation about old boyfriends and things they did… and we were talking about words they liked that they associated with sex.. that they used to whisper to me in public … and now you’re talking about chrysanthemum in that same way
[14:14] Him: synchronicity
[14:14] Me: perhaps
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