okay really now…
First I get this email forward …
See below.
—–Original Message—–
From: Glenn Reynolds
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 6:00 PM
To: ‘Jonathan@com-stock.com’
Cc: Steve de Laveaga
Subject: RE: Prudential Florida WCI Realty
Can you make sure that Steve and I see this prior to the link for the
revision being sent to WCI?
Then this one…
FYI. Make sure Steve gets to review the next mockup before the customer sees it.
—–Original Message—–
From: Steve de Laveaga
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 6:45 PM
To: Jonathan Bohlander; David Camp; Glenn Reynolds
Cc: Lloyd Denison
Subject: Fw: Prudential Florida WCI Realty
Importance: High
For WCI, {blah blah blah notes on the mockup}.
Then Jonathan stops by the cubicle to make sure I got the emails and that I will be sending the link to him, Steve and Glenn when I’m finished.
And now.. I get this one…
In addition to sending the new graphics to Glenn and Steve De, can you also
send it to David Camp.
SO.. Jonathan, mother hen that he is, get’s this reply from me:
Nope. That’s the last straw. One too many people. Jeez. Now I’m cc’ing all@com-stock with it as well as posting the link on several newsgroups for public comment.
I mean… sure. No problemo… but again. I’m still working on little stuff,
and I may not even get to start the revisions until tomorrow, fyi. I hope all this nagging doesn’t mean you need it sooner. If it does, better just say so.
Of course.. I did see a cc:Lloyd on one of those emails, so I’m biding my time until I get the notice to be sure to cc: Lloyd on the revision, too.
Ugh. Good thing I have a lot of hair and it doesn’t really show when I start pulling it out in chunks. Stupid little crap like this makes me nuts.. my neck is so tense now, just from the stupid, unnecessary, babysitting that happens around here. I don’t send links to the customer anyway.. I send them to the account manager (in this case Jonathan) and he sends them wherever the hell he wants to send them. If he wants all these people to review it, then .. wow.. send it to them before you send it to the customer. Imagine that.
laedevalle has made a Comment
I can get away with a few sarcastic comments to people at work, but definately not as much as you! God, that would rule.
December 3, 2002 @ 7:40 am
flerly has made a Comment
That is a big plus of working here.
Of course.. as I write this, the engineering department is in the midst of a huge paperwad fight, so things are generally pretty easy-going around here.
December 3, 2002 @ 7:46 am
laedevalle has made a Comment
All we have is a dart board. *jealous*
December 3, 2002 @ 7:58 am