“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”
— President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 8, 1941
It’s December 7th and I’m thinking about Hawaii–mostly because it’s cold here. A little because of the job offer for Jason, and Jim applying for stuff there… Not really so much Pearl Harbor, other than a slight pang of regret that we didn’t take the time to actually take the boat ride out to the Arizona, but just going thru the museum at the memorial was hard enough. It’s a good memorial, as memorial’s go. It is both disturbing and inspiring. It makes you sick with the thought of those lost and how they died, but if a tear comes to your eye, it’s just as likely from reading the stories of the heroic individuals posted around the walls.
But, I wasn’t really thinking about Pearl Harbor… though I remember one thing… as a freshman in high school, I had stayed late for something, so I was coming out of the building late to meet my ride. On the front steps was a news reporter and a camera man, talking to kids coming out the school. The bus crowd had already left, but a lot of people were still around. I remember wondering what they were here for.. if something had happened at school. So in curiosity I took my time walking past them, hoping to be stopped. I was. And the question they were asking…. “Today is December 7th. Does that mean anything to you? Historically?” And well, I’m sorry to say, I was one of the history-dolts that got to answer, “Nope. Should it?”
Well, on another note, and much later, let me finish this ramble… Last night we slumber partied with the cheese posse (sans Skittles), where we did Chez Geek, a round of golf, some dance dance revolution (with picture proof!), and then sat down to watch Mallrats. Of course, I was a puss and fell asleep pretty early, so I had to go crash barely into the movie.
Today, December 7th, has been lazy. Need to hit the grocery store.. haven’t. Needed to take rented games back.. haven’t. Needed to do laundry.. haven’t. Needed to start on pile of work… well, you get the idea. Instead watched Fletch and part of Goldeneye, added a zillion goofy movies to my queue. Also laughed my butt off at some Dave Barry columns
Oh well.. seems now it’s time to meet up with
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