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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 9:25 pm by flerly.
  • I am tired of working so much.
  • I am tired of not having a weekend to do all those house things I need to do.
  • I am tired of my horrible posture/eyesight combination that makes my back & shoulders ache from sitting in my chair at work all day.

On the bright side I started copying over files from the old system to the new system at work before I left tonight. Priority stuff.. like.. mp3s.

In case we get any of that nasty snow and ice that’s going around I have a huge pile-o-work to do sitting in front of me to work from home tomorrow. Can’t afford to get stuck here and not be able to work.

Marc said to me today, “Man, you have to quit working like this. You’re handling this insane workload and if you keep it up, they’re going to think you can handle it all the time and keep giving it to you.”

Duh, was what I thought. I know, is what I said. I don’t have a lot of choice.


Damn… I’m missing Surreal World.


1 Comment

  1. laedevalle has made a Comment

    They really do need to give you a break. You are definitely overworked. 🙁

    … uh, does that say UO? HAH! I used to play that for about 3 years. I so suck! 😀

    January 16, 2003 @ 1:47 pm

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