You are most likely going to be very drawn to the things that you can’t have, dear Scorpio. Instead of getting upset and frustrated by the fact that you aren’t getting what you want, look for the lesson in the situation, the reason why you really do not need those things at all….
Well, today I hear that the other half of the Com-suck, er FNIS, graphics team has given his resignation, effective end of February. Yes, for all you avid followers of the minutia of my work-life, David Booker is moving on to bigger and better things than a life of working at home in Florida….. to a life of being a sloth at home.
I have resigned effective 2/28. I might continue to do some work as assigned from time to time – especially revisions of stuff I made originally. I will send all my master files on cd as soon as I get a chance.
I have no real plans. I have been offered a faculty/staff position with the college and am considering that. I just have had it with real estate. It is my heart-felt aspiration that all of us – every one around the world, friend or foe – may eventually be gathered together in a heaven of everlasting rest and peace, except Realtors®. At any rate, spring is right around the corner and I might just spend some time doing nothing. Sloth has always come naturally to me, and in times of transition it is smart to fall back on what one knows best.
No bullshit. I loved the old Comstock, but five years is enough. I have worked so far below my abilities for so long I have become ashamed of myself. Don’t misunderstand – I do not intend to work any harder, just to publicly acknowledge that I am a sorry ass and quit living this lie. I don’t at all mind appearing lazy; it is an honorable pursuit. I just want everyone to understand that was my intention all along.
These days I get far too many emails from corporate types with cute sayings like: “Sacrifice Equals Wealth”, “Make it a profitable day!” and crap like that. Made me realize that my wagon needs to be hitched to different horses. Things like friends, family, yes – margaritas on the beach and, most of all, waking up every morning knowing that my day will be what I want it to be have always been a heluva a lot more important to me than success by someone else’s measure. I have all I need and more than I expected.
I am sure we will work together some more. I have enjoyed our relationship and you are welcome here if you are ever in the area. I am not gone yet; you still have time to fuck with me some more and I promise to give it my customary level of attention.
–David W. Booker
Anyway.. it’s a day that needed to be noted in the log books, the end of Booker. He WAS the graphics department of Comstock for four years all by himself. Now, I guess it’s up to me… and Brent… whenever he actually wants to train… or when I get time… or whatever. Even Greg commented today (after hearing about Booker) that he was loathe to see Brent’s design skills at work… a reference to the great Comstock homepages with their fabu blue on gray text that makes them so easy to read and navigate. I dunno.. I’ve made some ugly crap in my time, and if that was his first effort, I guess it’s not so bad. He’ll get the hang of what ugly designs Comstock customers want soon enough.
Oh well.. I’ve actually managed to wrap up several big nasty projects already today, so the rest of the afternoon won’t be too bad. At least there is nothing sitting here marked so critical that I can’t leave today without it being done.
Oh yeah.. hrm.. didn’t The Recruit start today? Hrmmmm.
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