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And now back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 1:47 pm by flerly.

well, my after-lunch meeting turned into over-lunch meeting, except I wasn’t interested in the crap they had ordered to eat. Short and sweet. Half an hour instead of the scheduled hour, so I took off and did a very depressing thing…. I went to Ross by myself. Miss you, Skittles.

On the bright side, the retail therapy worked. I feel better, and I managed to find three very very sweeet dresses — one with Audioslave in mind, one for suited and booted, and one because it was just too damn cool — all for under $50 total. I also managed to find a knock-off of the bridesmaid dress I’m going to order… not QUITE the right color and hella thinner liner fabric, stretchy instead of firm and zippered, but the style was right on… and it was $19. Tried it on.. liked it, but all I need to do is buy a $19 copy of a $135 dress I still have to buy. I really need two of those. Just thought it was funny to see that style on the rack there.

Oh well.. best get down to bizness with the reworks.


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