All I’ve done forever, it feels like, is rant about work. I’m so sick of it. Sick of ranting. I need to just shut up and do it, and leave it there. I get home, I’m so stressed, so tired, so lonely, and it feels like a lot of work to put on a smile or talk to people, because I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep forever. So stressed.
Well, in addition to some sad and lonely tonight, I guess I just found out some semi-good news: Jimmy got a job. Not only did he GET the job, but they practically drooled over him. Their response has to make him feel good. It’s only 6-9 months contract, but it’s in North Carolina someplace. He gets tax free dough to maintain two residences, but I’m not really sure what he’s going to do about his residence here or there. He wants to move all his shit for the time, which I think would cost a fortune– I say just take what he needs, or rent furnished or something. I mean, he hates the cold, I’m sure he won’t be real keen on making North Carolina his permanent home. He wants to stay on the lease here. I dunno… I don’t think he knows. I think he’s torn between being happy about being wanted and being unhappy about going.
Well, JT’s in Greenville for the day/night… hooking up cousin Jenny’s new TV and sitting around waiting for her furniture to be delivered because she has to be at work. I guess he’s a good one. I just kinda wish he were here, but.. well, I’d probably just bum him out too.
I brought so much work home, but I just can’t make myself do it. I more than got in my 8 hours today, not to mention how hard it is to do that time at this stress level. Now that I’m home, I just want to pass out. Took a hot bath, and it was just uncomfortable… not soothing. Think I need some chamomile tea and a tylenol pm and a good power outage to keep me home all day.
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