Monday afternoon boredom…
JasonC: This is turning into such a bullshit day
JasonC: Please tell me you showed up Friday
KimJ: It pleases you to think I might have driven all the way up here Friday night?
JasonC: i know you didn’t, but yes, i would have giggled a good bit if you had.
Kim J: but i did, i did…
Kim J: and then i cried and cried
Kim J: and then i put a curse on you
Kim J: so that every cute girl you see will be driving a camaro
JasonC: not just a camaro, an OLD camaro
KimJ: this is Georgia/The South … camaro is king. camaro is cool. camaro is wise. get over it.
JasonC: no girl i ever want to meet drives a camaro
KimJ: remind me to trade my car for a camaro. i secretly always wanted one
JasonC: be sure to bleach your hair and knock a few teeth out
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