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time to swing into spring, perhaps

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 9:48 am by flerly.

I am a weirdo. I just am. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed with joy from the goofiest of things that I just know if I tried to tell anyone, I would just get the look. Today, I am overjoyed by spam from 1-800-flowers.com telling me how delightful and child-like unpretentious daffodils are, symbolizing hope and a new beginning. And, of course, there is a picture of a small bunch, looking almost handpicked, tied with a simple string, of beautiful yellow daffodils, and well… I just went goofy over it. My mind raced with the list of people who I needed to send these flowers to immediately since they provoked such a happy reaction in me. That notion quickly passed, though, as I weighed their cost versus my bank account and the lack of any possible occasion, but now I’m wondering where I can go locally to get a bunch like this for my desk. Having flowers around rocks, but ordering them for delivery sucks.. that is outrageously expensive in such a way that I often wonder if I should perhaps get into that business myself to make a buck.

But it’s Wednesday, and I am rambling. Do i sound like I’m in a good mood? Because if so, it’s the flowers, because I slept like crap. I think I dreamt I was one of those goofy mexican jumping beans all night, tossing and turning and hopping and bouncing off the walls of my little wooden box all night. Covers on, covers off, roll over, whack JamesT in the head with my elbow (sorry dear), get up, drink water, drift off listening to music from the radio then realize it’s the alarm and I’m supposed to be awake now.

Last night’s LJ-Atlanta meet & greet went better than expected. Met some interesting folks, and am actually looking forward to getting together again.

But anyway.. swinging into spring.. thinking of spring cleaning my space. It has plenty of “personality” right now, but is it just a big dusty cluttered mess? I just think about it because Marc & Sean are moving into one of the newly refinished offices with the countertops. So here I am, left alone in the corner… with who knows who to move in someday. Perhaps I should take this time to resituate myself over here.. but.. nah. Don’t want a different cube. I like having my back to the worlld here, especially with the rear view mirror in place. I guess the least I can do is use this nearby windex and clean my desk.

Might as well. That sounds better than working.


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