Lanier rambles…
Ok, spoke w/Alex and survived.
**Please add logo for Army,,, and craftsman. Also add to sponsor’s page.
Did he send those new sponsor logos?
of course not, that is what we get paid to do… ugh, wait, they aren’t paying us, but what the hell, we don’t have anything else to do. Sorry just had a Lanier moment.
Well, then. If he doesn’t send us the logo, then he is going to LOVE the logos I put online. He is going to look at my logos that I plucked from the ether and placed on his sponsor page, and he is going to bow down and worship my magnificence, and vicariously, your magnificence in giving me the assignment. What he will NOT do is be able to judge, critique, or change the damn logos from what I pluck from the ether. And if he doesn’t like it, I will inform him where he can stick his magnificent logos in the future.
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