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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 11:27 am by flerly.

My wedding hair... egad. Would you just look at these manicured fingernails? How cool is that? I could get used to this. Up close, left, is my “wedding hair”, which is to say.. naturally curly, so they straightened it, then curled it back with curling irons, then put 10 tons of hairspray on it. Yeah. Good curls, though.

Save me from just another manic Tuesday. Wish it were… um.. *sigh*… July.

The specified content for this post should be wedding recap I guess, but nobody cares… I’ve babbled enough about it in person. It’s my family, so let me just recap that it all worked out, it didn’t rain on us, they got hitched, drank, danced & partied, then took off for Montego Bay without much incident. In the process, I got manicured fingernails and toes, I got my desire to flee to Vegas reaffirmed, and I got to catch up and gossip with folks I hadn’t seen in a while. Perhaps I’ll do more detail later, since there are some things I’ve been thinking about, but as of THIS morning there are primarily two things on my mind: Hatred of this job versus need for money to live on.

And, right now, the job beckons. So much to be done. End of the month…. crap.

Ellis-Reeder Wedding, Martha Washington Inn, May 24th, 2003


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