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Death becomes her…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 10:28 am by flerly.

Walking death, that is…

I really should sleeeeep more. Too bad it’s too fun to stay up. I don’t feel so bad. And, I made it here by 10. If I skip cheese, I can still in good conscience leave by 6 today. AND I just got informed that two contractors we hired for site-conversions are on hold for things to do, due to the fact that all our MLS conversions aren’t written…. and thus, just a moment ago I got to introduce them to the stack. They are going to whittle through as much as they can.


Watched Animatrix last night… coo. Played Tiger Woods golf on the PS2… not coo. It has it’s… cool parts, but in general…. it blows. I’m never allowed to play tennis with JT again, because I suck, so I need a new person to practice with please, or a suggestion of where I could take some lessons.

Oh well… time to delve into work and get some shit done this week.


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