pseudo morals work real well on the talk shows for the week..

Check out the Google logo for the day… it’s M.C.Escher’s birthday. Still pleased we got to see Escher exhibit on tour while we were in Knoxville.
I have to admit, even though I knew we were making a day trip to Chattanooga to visit the ‘rents and the step ‘rents last Sunday, I still didn’t remember it was Father’s Day until I sat down to pull up Google and saw their Father’s Day hammock logo for the day.
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane is the Screen on the Green flick tonight, I hear. Have to admit I like this movie… though.. again, not sure it’s the best picnic/park flick, but I guess I’d have to think about what would be a good flick for that. Hope it doesn’t rain tonight, whether or not I decide to go. Will never forget suprising the heck out of my sister at Trivial Pursuit once (in about 9th grade) with the answer to “What did Bette Davis serve to Joan Crawford on a silver platter in the 1962 film Whatever happened to Baby Jane?” Sis had never seen it, and was looking at the answer thinking “they’ll never get this one!”
Well, it’s less than a month until Vegas. What do I need, JamesT asked me yesterday. Have to think about that one.
Took some fun pictures when it started storming last night, after the PCs got shut down. Can’t wait to pull them and play in photoshop at home.
That’s it. Brain just shut down. Anything else that goes in this post is going to be babbling crap, so I might as well work for now.
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