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Hello? Kim? Hello?

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 at 10:36 am by flerly.

Sock monkey, that funky monkey.
Sock monkey junkie
That funky monkey.

Decided to take a break when I started doing my priorities list for the rest of the week and came up with five items that need to be number one. Because people do come by and look at my desk on occasion, I went ahead and labelled them all #1 just for fun.

Here’s a simple little thing… alter these graphics, layered file be damned, and make room for a few extra buttons, would you? No, not at the bottom, they want one between this and this and one between that and that.

/end small vent. Hair is scary today, so I pinned it up. Feeling horribly gross in this body again today.. egad, it’s horrible. Did not eat breakfast, and did not pack lunch either? Why? Because I turned off the alarm clock at 8am and went back to sleep. I suck. So, I arrive at work at 9:45 again.

Last night, man we’re lame. Just shoot us, we don’t know what to do with a nice evening but gawk at it for a few minutes then hide indoors. Here, today, people’s voices are making me crazy. Billy is making me crazy. He goes away for three weeks, then when he comes back and everyone is asking him questions about things they’ve had to wait on for so long, he answers them loudly with this smug satisfied “how do you people function without me” voice that just kills me. Ugh.

No, we still haven’t talked. To me, that says.. Billy’s got nothing to offer regarding Hawaii. If he did, he’d have told me by now. Now that things are sort of pushed back here again, money says BIlly doesn’t make his official decision on whether he’s accepting his Hawaii offer until the end of next month. We may have a going away party for a Billy that’s not going anywhere.

The more I think about the imminent Vegas trip, the more bummed I get. Can’t even begin to think about looking for anything I need until after payday, which is a long damned time away, in my opinion. Monday. That’s a whole weekend of idle-brokeness. Which reminds me, must check bank account and figure out what my possible lunch options are. Don’t think I’ll try skipping it and leaving early again…

Could I ramble more? Probably, but I’ll quit.



  1. bingothemonkey has made a Comment

    I think you are, while not being anorexic looking, a smaller than the norm sized female that I couldn’t even describe as being slightly chubby. Don’t feel disgusting in your body. I don’t know what you’ve looked like at your best or worst, but you look good now. And I like your hair. So there.

    June 25, 2003 @ 3:37 am

  2. goaticusmaximus has made a Comment

    Yeah! Take that!

    June 25, 2003 @ 3:42 am

  3. bingothemonkey has made a Comment

    Shut it, Justin.

    Oh, and just to show that I’m not complimentary to all – “Justin, I still think you look like a Q-Tip.”

    Ya little smartass.

    June 25, 2003 @ 3:46 am

  4. flerly has made a Comment

    Not that I don’t trust you guys.. but.. here is picture proof of my hugeness in relation to some very normal sized relatives of mine. Sure the expression is one of me threatening to decapitate the man with the camera, but still, the body issues are OBVIOUS.

    June 25, 2003 @ 3:53 am

  5. bingothemonkey has made a Comment

    I’m actually glad to see that I’m not the only one here with body issues. You look thin in that picture. Oh, and when we went out after cheese, you were definitely looking the hottest. I think that I’m huge, but I never know whether people are just being nice when they say I’m not. I’m not just being nice. Really.

    June 25, 2003 @ 3:57 am

  6. goaticusmaximus has made a Comment


    June 25, 2003 @ 5:05 am

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