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There’s no place like home for the holi-daze…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 7:52 pm by flerly.

Here’s the short version…

Thanksgiving was spent in Alabama with sis & the fam. It was 99% a really great time. I’m happy sis seemed to like the late gifts I took her. Good to see everyone. I got to try muscadine wine, blackberry wine and coffee flavored rum, although the blackberry wine was by far the sweetest thing…

Seems that county of Alabama is a dry county, so when my sister managed to screw her corkscrew into the bottle and break off the handle, we had a heck of a time finding another corkscrew. At a Dollar General store that was thankfully open on the day of thanks we managed to find a “swiss army” sort of gadget that had a corkscrew, which we quickly realized was a huge piece of crap. We managed to screw it into the bottle as well, missing the other broken off corkscrew, but if you tried to pull it out, it just straightened out the cheap corkscrew.

We laughed and joked about desperate things we could do to get into this precious bottle of wine…. “bar brawl style” was suggested. Dennis, I believe, pined for a good sharp sword. But at last, it was a resourceful brother with his suggestion of a long wood screw and a pair of pliers that won the day.

Boy they do have some mighty fine wine….

Anywho… home now. All is well. Called mom to make sure she made it home. Managed to toss some things into the laundry and get prepped for another crappy week of work. I’m sure those phones will be ringing early in the morning…

But now…. some poker, please. Night all.


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