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…just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 5:24 pm by flerly.

Welp, the nearly worthless treadmill is disassembled and ready to be trashed, pending word from Mom that she doesn’t want it. I think tomorrow we’re going to get some file storage boxes and go through Jim’s four unmanageable extra-large U-Haul boxes of books and games. He wants to sell some and keep some, but whatever… packing them in smaller boxes with handles will be the thing to do.

I had thought I wanted to pack away some of my stacks of books, too. You know you need to get rid of some books when your bookshelves are packed with vertical stacks of books, I think. Instead, I just rearranged them and tossed some junk boxes that were taking up valuable book space.

Meanwhile… as an awful, evil, terrible, maddening, addictive leisure activity, I’ve found myself “online window shopping” to the tune of thousands of dollars of furniture and artwork. Overstock.com has some interesting stuff, including the coolest damn futon sofa I think I’ve ever seen… I want.

I’ve also spent hours on allposters.com finding prints and framing them. I’ve picked out a new bedroom and living room suit on roomstogo.com. James’ response: If you don’t stop, I’ll block port 80 to your workstation. Not like I’ve actually spent anything, but I guess it gets old hearing me ask, “Hey, can I borrow $2849.72 plus tax and a whole lot of shipping?”

*le sigh*


There are tons more…

Okay. The only way to beat this is to walk away from the computer and keep up the good cleaning, sorting, trashing trend.


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