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I realize it’s only March…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, March 31, 2006 at 4:50 pm by flerly.

Well.. it’s the last day of March (Happy Birthday, JT’s Dad, btw.)… but I just need to post NOW that already I can tell that this October is going to be the best October EVER!

Happy Birthday to me… how about an Ocean-View Superior Suite in Bermuda, baby. Oh, and I guess while we’re there we’ll go to a wedding… since we’re there already… and we’ll have the dresses… and stuff.


Now… perhaps some tennis and afterwards, dinner with “the gang”, where hopefully there won’t be so much girlie wedding-squee related talk that the boys all curl up and go fetal. Talk about $3500 HALO jumping trips or something… get the testosterone pumping.


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