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This weak…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, May 21, 2010 at 4:18 pm by flerly.

The car is on empty, the fridge is on empty, and my energy level is on empty. Apparently I left it all in Florida at the beach. Perhaps I should just go back for it…

All I have wanted to do this week is nap, with a side of napping. The slightest bit of food wakes me up a minute, then puts me into a carb-coma or something. Nothing really tastes right, as the pollen-count hit me as soon as we got home, and after some delish seafood at the beach, everything here just tastes like snot.

I need to find some motivation. Somewhere in the bottom of whatever bag I took to the beach is my camera full of pictures that I still haven’t pulled. Most of my dirty laundry is still in my suitcase. The dishes of this week are piled in the sink. Not really sure of what I’ve done at all this week except sit in front of the computer for work.

Tonight, perhaps we’ll test out the new audio setup and riff some movie. There must be something in there I can cook for dinner… and perhaps cooking will encourage me to finally clean up the kitchen. Tomorrow should be fun in the sun (hopefully) in the park for Laura’s birthday.

I’m almost afraid to write down that we don’t have Memorial Day weekend plans yet — it’s too weird to even fathom. First 3 weekends of June are booked, first 2 of July. Will San Diego happen in August? Dunno. Two fall festivals to shoot in October. Can’t wrap my brain around it all.

And now to top it off, I have the urge to try Zumba — just because Bruce joined a group called “husbands who hate Zumba”. There seem to be some nearby classes in clubhouses for apartments, so I might wander over and see if anybody can show up.

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