Just some fyi…

Today is actually day one of working at my newly completed treadmill desk setup in the office. There are just a few kinks left to work out, but all minor and generally the same kind you have for any office move — setting up proper task lighting, getting some air circulating, what shoes to wear while you walk all day…
I have two real shoe loves right now: the fitflop and the VFFs. Actually, there’s a clear favorite simply because they’re easier to get on and off, and that’s my fitflops. If you haven’t already discovered these, check out: http://www.fitflop.com/ These are simply the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever had, ever. I couldn’t really tell you much about how good of a leg workout you get from them, but they’re perfectly padded, form to fit your foot, don’t rub, and are just the best things ever. I have three pair right now and love them all.
The VFFs, however, may be the daytime winner for the treadmill desk overall. It’s close, to say the least, but I’ve always liked to just walk on the treadmill barefoot, but regreted the sore feet later. These are just the protection my foot needs, and still feels barefoot.
Even though I just barely went over 2 1/2 miles today, and am now in fact only standing, not walking as I type this, I’m pretty happy with this “walk to work” plan. Most noticable was the lack of desire for that afternoon nap.
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