Draggin A into September

Thankfully the worse of this sinus thing seems to be over. I fully blame this one on JamesT — who came back sick from his trip. On the day I left with Joyce for my long weekend trip, I started with the sore throat and knew I was getting the same crap. Loaded up on meds while at mom’s, but she has no understanding of anybody being sick, so it’s not like I got much rest in. Up late, up early, go go go — popping meds, trying not to be angry at continually being referred to as “grumpy” for one reason or another, and the inevitable forced brightness of mood, just left me completely worn out.
Sunday, Monday, much of Tuesday — I’ve just been wiped out. Slept without meds last night, though. Still draining, though it’s not making my throat sore anymore. As such, haven’t worked out at all since last Wednesday. Feeling sore and stiff today, but haven’t decided on whether to go. Might just give in and go climbing tonight, if that’s James’ plan. Should do both, but just still feeling slack and without the gusto to push it right now.
Also haven’t logged calories since last week. I’d say I’ll start it all again tomorrow, but then tomorrow we hit the road for Alabama for another long weekend. So, I guess this is just an acknowledgement that my schedule is disrupted through the 7th, or for about another week. I’m just going to do what I can do, try not to be insane, and go with another weigh in on that day to see where I am.
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