Barefoot strides toward the goal!

Great Monday so far! Maybe I’m just feeling energized by all the good feelings of love for Valentine’s Day — can’t say JamesT isn’t a motivator for me to get healthy! Not sure what happened with the allergy attack yesterday, though — probably stress related, but today has been tip top healthwise. Perhaps still an occasional sneeze, but in general I’ve felt exceptionally clear-headed today — as in happily able to focus and concentrate. Work has benefited.
After reading more reminders about keeping up with daily steps, I decided to pull the old elliptical out of storage and put it upstairs. Hopefully it can make my scheduled work breaks more productive — so when my alarm says “Get up!” then I can get up and go!
Have also had better luck today in the VFFs by applying a little Body Glide anti-chafing balm to my troublesome left-foot — the flat one! More toe raises and stretching today. Looking forward to stronger ankles and finding out if it’s possible to actually fix a flat foot.
Two dietary revisions over the past 24-hours. First, a little cup of dry Special K Chocolatey delight, with just a sprinkle of coconut mixed in seems to make a satisfactory substitute for a girl scout cookie craving. Yay!
Second, I added back coffee, with sugar-free creamer and benefiber to the daily routine. May switch back to some teas with the creamer and fiber, but today I was just craving the coffee. Forgot how filling the combination could be. I credit my tiny cereal breakfast and string cheese with slice of ham lunch without hunger pangs today entirely to the extra fiber and coffee richness.
More Olympics tonight, so hopefully that will mean some time on the treadmill after dinner! May this good day be the start to a great week on the project!
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