Stress nosh?

Well, I hit 1471 calories today. Was less than 1200 after dinner, but had to work a while longer — which ended up another 3 1/2 hours, and when I finally sat down I was just starving. It’s probably all just stress eating, but I added a bunch of carrot chips, some light dressing for dip, and one string cheese to the day. Sure I’m over calories, but at least I didn’t let myself go for any junk today.
Have an 8am conference call — the third one, actually — with the same british lady who has been driving me insane for a couple weeks. Haven’t dealt with a client this nit-picky in a really long time. Argh. Definately stress-related “noshing”… not sure how to beat that one.
Oh, and other than all the standing to work, didn’t walk, bike, or go do my circuit today. Glorious! Well, tomorrow is another day. Must just try not to nosh out AFTER I go over the mockups with her tomorrow.
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