Walk to Work
Switched to DailyMile for Tracking in September 2010 |
The goal here has been the execution of the treadmill desk as my full-time work desk. This constituted moving the treadmill from the den downstairs, where it was rarely used even though in a prime location in front of the big television, into my office upstairs, which already contains a not-small desk and a daybed.
The move, is another story in another post, and was a heck of a day. That’s not this story. This story is about “Walking to Work” full time. A “shelf” that can hold my keyboard and mouse, as well as my netbook, sits on pads right on the arms of the treadmill. The work monitor and the office television are mounted on swingarms and a shelf with dvd player is stationary just above the treadmill controls. The box itself, and speakers are on a small
shelf just in front of the treadmill. All in all, this setup means at the very least, standing not sitting while I’m working. The regular desk remains with the balance ball chair in front of my personal machine, and housing the printer. The goal with walking to work is 10,000 steps a day. That’s only five miles, which should be doable even at the very workable one mph pace that allows me to type and manipulate the mouse properly.
Treadmill Desk: Why You Will Succeed This Time
inspiration from Trek-Desk.com
We have all started an exercise regime more than once in our lives or a diet plan then fell off the wagon. What went wrong? Usually our expectations. Walking with a treadmill desk is different.
When we first start to exercise we replace fat tissue with lean muscle and actually increase weight. This is discouraging for most and many tend to believe they are wasting their time. Rather than experience the pain of failure many stop trying.
Walking with a treadmill desk is a no lose propostition. You work everyday anyway, you are just walking now instead of sitting. It works as simple as that.
The facts are that you can improve your cardiovascular fitness and reduce your risk for heart disease by exercising without losing weight. Keep that in mind during the first 6-8 weeks of using a treadmill desk in the event the pounds aren’t coming off as fast as you thought. Also, keep in mind that your health is stabilizing and your abitlity to ward off disease is enhanced by walking with a treadmill desk.
If you were forced to walk 4 miles to work and 4 more miles to return home every day your fitness level would soar, along with your self esteem, energy levels, and ability to combat disease/stress. Who has time for that in our busy lives however? Anyone who walks with a treadmill desk.
Be patient, walk your way through your work day. Take it slowly and do as much as is comfortable to you. You are getting stronger every day even if you do not notice it initially. Remember, small daily gains are what make the difference.
Stay loose, the weight will come off. Some faster than others but this is not a race. Be content to know that your health is improving with every step that you take. Weight loss is just an added perk walking with a treadmill desk.
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